Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Progressives Are The Real Segregationists

Progressives are fond of calling out conservatives as "racists”.  According to them, racial segregation is a result of the backward attitudes of conservatives toward racial equality. 

In a 2013 report professors John Logan and Brian Stults of Brown University and Florida State University analyzed 2010 Census data for major cities using a dissimilarity index. The dissimilarity index measures the percentage of one group that would have to move to a different neighborhood to put an end to segregation. Here are the top 10 US cities based on that index.

1.   Milwaukee 
2.   New York 
3.   Chicago 
4.   Detroit 
5.   Cleveland 
6.   Buffalo 
7.   St. Louis 
8.   Cincinnati 
9.   Philadelphia 
10. Los Angeles 

Note that all of these cities are hotbeds of Progressivism where local government has been controlled by Democrats for decades. If Progressives actually (as opposed to rhetorically) abhor segregation, why would they not have done something in the places they already run -- far from the influences of those evil conservatives? Actions speak louder than words. Especially in places like Milwaukee, New York, Chicago and Detroit. 

Monday, July 28, 2014

Reducing Corporate Income Tax would Create Jobs

A new paper from the St. Louis Federal Reserve concludes:

This paper finds that a reduction in the corporate income tax leads to moderate job creation and higher wages. In the extreme case, the elimination of the corporate income tax would reduce the non-employed population by 5.4 percent …

Yet the Obama administration's response to this has been not only to keep US corporate tax rates as the highest in the world, but to propose subjecting the foreign income of domestically based companies to US taxation as well. Now WHO is it that is driving jobs overseas?

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Inconvenient Data

Al Gore made a fortune with his movie An Inconvenient Truth which forecast imminent increases in temperature that would greatly affect the United States. He would probably find this data inconvenient.
