You can hear just about every day Democrats complaining that our debt explosion was caused by Trump's "tax cuts for the rich". If those rate cuts generated this much more revenue, maybe the right answer is we need even more "tax cuts for the rich".
You can hear just about every day Democrats complaining that our debt explosion was caused by Trump's "tax cuts for the rich". If those rate cuts generated this much more revenue, maybe the right answer is we need even more "tax cuts for the rich".
According to the Crime Prevention Research Center, only 1% of US counties with 20% of US population account for 42% of homicides. Democrats says the problems is guns? Or a problem with law enforcement in those counties? These are the counties that screamed loudest about defunding the police.
Climate change alarmists routinely cite increasing incidence and severity of heat waves, hurricanes and tornadoes. Facts do not stand in their way.
Want to see why our economy is not growing faster? In one easy chart?
You can replicate this on your own if you like. Divide your portfolio
into higher and lower yielding investments. Now keep moving money from the
former to the latter and see what happens.