Wednesday, June 29, 2016
Why Are the Chinese Buying Gold?
Crowds of investors are often wrong, but one has to pause when you see them. Why are Chinese investors suddenly running to buy gold? What do they see that is causing them to shift from domestic investments to precious metals?

Wednesday, June 22, 2016
Washington Minimum Wage Failure
In 1998, Washington voters approved Initiative 688, dramatically boosting the state minimum wage from $5.15 to $5.70 on Jan. 1, 1999, and to $6.50 on Jan. 1, 2000, and, for the first time in the U.S., indexing the minimum wage to inflation. Since that time, Washington's population and total job growth has outpaced the national average, while employment in the hospitality and food service industries has lagged the average. There is really only one possible explanation for this. The imposition of a minimum wage "tax" on employers forced them to hire fewer people. While this is not a surprising outcome to anyone remotely familiar with economics, it will probably be a surprise to those in government, who are not members of that group. In fact, the Seattle City Council has doubled down on that job-killing policy by imposing a $15 minimum wage.
Tuesday, June 21, 2016
Trade Surpluses In Services
Mark Perry posts this chart on his website. I guess Donald Trump's take on this must be that the US is using Unfair Practices to run a trade surplus in services with China and Mexico. right?

Monday, June 13, 2016
Saturday, June 11, 2016
If You Can't Tax It, Steal It
If Congress somehow manages to constrain the tax revenue to the federal government, the federal government will simply steal it. Forfeiture is the process by which officers can take cash and property away from people without convicting or even charging them with a crime. This sort of thing is supposed to be prohibited by the 4th amendment to the constitution, but, then, who other than Antonin Scalia pays attention to that old thing anymore. [This is only federal forfeitures. If state totals were added it would probably be at least a half-billion dollars higher.]

Friday, June 10, 2016
High Income Earners Don't Pay a Fair Share
Newest data from the CBO shows, that, yes, the highest income earners don't pay a fair share.

The Gender Pay Gap (continued)
In a study, Preference for the Workplace, Investment in Human Capital, and Gender economists Matthew Wiswall of Arizona State University and Basit Zafar of the New York Federal Reserve show how men and women have different preferences when it comes to workplace attributes.

Why should it be any surprise that women choose jobs that are less remunerative than men (except to Hillary Clinton, of course)?
Why should it be any surprise that women choose jobs that are less remunerative than men (except to Hillary Clinton, of course)?
Tuesday, June 7, 2016
Denying Thousands of Years of History
If you look at the data below and conclude that any observed climate warming over the last 50 years is a "man-made crisis", then you are to be applauded, subsidized and welcomed into the community of right-thinkers. If on the other hand, you look at the data and think that maybe we ought not jump to conclusions or that natural climate forces are a lot more important than any human activity, you are a "denier"and may be prosecuted by your state's attorney general for saying so. And now you understand what happened during the Inquisition.
Monday, June 6, 2016
DC Metro Transit in Trouble
The Washington (DC) Metro Area Transit
Authority is in trouble. Its equipment is in disrepair and it is broke. Why?
Well, consider this.
Anyone have an idea about how they might
save some money? Anyone? Buehler? Anyone?
Saturday, June 4, 2016
Gee, Why Not Expand Social Security?
Wednesday, June 1, 2016
if you like your national debt, you can keep you national debt.
While President Obama claims he is reducing our national debt, the latest report from the Congressional Budget Office says otherwise. It's increasing and will shortly top 80% of GDP.
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