Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Public Debt=Lower Growth

The chart below should not be surprising to anyone who understands economics. But it needs a bit of explanation. It is not debt itself that produces low growth rates. It is what the debt is used to finance that creates low growth. You would not see this same relationship with regard to corporate debt. That's because private debt is usually incurred to finance economically productive projects. Public debt is usually used to finance economically UNproductive projects -- like transferring money to less productive people and "green" projects that have negative ROIs. 

Monday, October 18, 2021

Marginalism and Ignorance and Covid

Two very good and short articles about marginalism --  and how people ignore it's importance.  

The first --  Marginalism - Econlib -- discusses the concept generally. How people confuse "Total Utility" with "Marginal Utility", and the enormous costs of that misunderstanding.

The second--  Maximum Vaccination - by eugyppius - eugyppius (substack.com) - focusses on how so many resources are being spent on trying to vaccinate a high percentage of the population, which will has very little effect on the per capita cases of Covid. The chart below summarizes low correlation between population vaccination rates and Covid.