Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Tuesday, December 12, 2023

If We End Fossil Fuels

 Here's a partial list of things made from petroleum we'd have to live without. 

Friday, September 15, 2023

Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Wondering why elite schools like Harvard resort to blatant anti-Asian discrimination?

Wondering why elite schools like Harvard resort to blatant anti-Asian discrimination? 

Do you think this might be one of the reasons for these disparities? 

Children raised in fatherless homes

Black children: 64%

Hispanic children: 42%

White children: 24%

Asian children: 16%

Thursday, August 31, 2023

Academic Performance and Fatherless Homes

There is an inverse correlation here with educational achievement. If you wanted to improve the performance of black kids and get more of them into college, maybe you should attack the underlying causes rather than applying affirmative action remedies?

Children raised in fatherless homes

Black children: 64%

Hispanic children: 42%

White children: 24%

Asian children: 16%

Monday, June 19, 2023

Why The Media Lost All Trust

The media can't figure out why they aren't believed anymore. I can come up with a few reasons for that.

Russian Collusion

“Very fine people”

Brett Kavanaugh is a serial rapist

Hands up Don’t Shoot

Jussie Smolett hoax

Covington kids are racist

Trump stored nuclear secrets at Mar-A-Lago

Mostly peaceful protests

Andrew Cuomo saved seniors

Covid vaccine stops Covid

Office Sicknick was murdered by protesters.

Covid came from wet market bats

Hunter Biden’s Laptop was Russian disinformation

Border agents whipped migrants

Masks work

Lockdowns are science-based

Boys with penises are girls

Don’t Say Gay is in the Florida law

Joe Biden is mentally sound

Tawana Brawley

Racist Duke LaCrosse players

Our border is secure

Sunday, April 23, 2023

Facts Are Racist

 Yes, I know facts are racist (along with roads and math), but . . .

Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Lockdowns Inflicted Economic Damage for No Health Benefit

Little difference in Covid deaths in lockdown states versus free states.

Huge difference in economic damage.  

Saturday, February 11, 2023

Shouldn't it be harder for women to gain college admission?

According to their "equity" goals, shouldn't colleges be making it harder for women to gain admission? 

Tuesday, February 7, 2023

What Happens When You Lock Kids Out of School for Two Years

This is what happens when you lock kids out of school for two years on the pretense of protecting them from a virus. 

Extreme Poverty is Declining Everywhere

I wonder how this happened. Bet it had something to do with government control. 

Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Tax Cuts for the Rich

 You can hear just about every day Democrats complaining that our debt explosion was caused by Trump's "tax cuts for the rich". If those rate cuts generated this much more revenue, maybe the right answer is we need even more "tax cuts for the rich". 


Monday, January 30, 2023

Covid is a Weighty Problem

 Ever wonder why some countries might have had a lower Covid mortality rate than the US? 

Thursday, January 26, 2023

Wednesday, January 18, 2023

1% of US counties= 42% of homicides

 According to the Crime Prevention Research Center, only 1% of US counties with 20% of US population account for 42% of homicides. Democrats says the problems is guns? Or a problem with law enforcement in those counties? These are the counties that screamed loudest about defunding the police.  

Saturday, January 14, 2023

Climate Alarmists Ignore Facts

Climate change alarmists routinely cite increasing incidence and severity of heat waves, hurricanes  and tornadoes. Facts do not stand in their way.  

Monday, January 9, 2023

More Evidence of Mask Failure

 Not one EXPERT has admitted that these mask mandates in Austria utterly failed

Monday, January 2, 2023

Recipe for Slower Growth in One Simple Chart

Want to see why our economy is not growing faster? In one easy chart?

You can replicate this on your own if you like. Divide your portfolio into higher and lower yielding investments. Now keep moving money from the former to the latter and see what happens.