Thursday, April 21, 2022

The Final Verdict on Mask Mandates

Could there be any stronger evidence that mask mandates did absolutely nothing to alter the spread of Covid?  And yet there are still people defending them -- for reasons that have nothing to do with health.

Sunday, April 17, 2022

The Real Racial Statistics of Police Shootings

BLM and their media friends often cite the fact that police shootings disproportionately involve black men more than white men. What they avoid is the data below that show blacks are disproportionately more likely to commit crimes that lead to police confrontations. If I were to point out that crime disproptionately occurs in cities with Democrat mayors, they would be quick to point out that crime is correlated to population density and large cities are disproptionately governed by Democrats. Similarly, police shootings are correlated to the incidence of crime, and blacks are simply more likely to be involved in crime.

Monday, April 4, 2022

Mask Data is Overwhelming

 The data on mask mandates is pretty conclusive -- and one sided. If masks had an effect, those red lines below would be higher than the black one. They're not. Not that anyone at the CDC or the Biden administration pays attending to data anymore. 

Friday, April 1, 2022

Reversing Energy Independence

 After 15 years of moving toward and achieving energy independence, the Biden administration is moving us in he opposite direction.